Emoji Clap

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Emoji Clap ๐Ÿ‘ is a casual and fun party game that challenges players to guess words or phrases represented by emoji combinations. It's designed for groups of friends or family looking to test their communication skills and creativity in a lively and entertaining setting.

Game Mechanics

  1. Setup:

    • Gather a group of players (typically 4 or more).
    • Decide who will be the "clapper" (the player who selects and describes the emojis) for each round.
  2. Gameplay Rounds:

    • Clapping Phase:

      • The clapper selects a word, phrase, or concept that they want others to guess.
      • The clapper then creates an emoji combination that represents the chosen word or phrase. For example, "๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ–๏ธ" could represent "sunshine beach."
      • The emoji combination should be displayed visibly to all players without revealing the answer.
    • Guessing Phase:

      • Players take turns guessing the word or phrase represented by the emojis.
      • Each player can make a guess or pass their turn. The clapper can provide hints or gestures to guide players towards the correct answer.
    • Scoring:

      • If a player correctly guesses the word or phrase, they earn a point.
      • If no one guesses correctly after a set time limit or a certain number of guesses, the clapper reveals the answer and no points are awarded for that round.
    • Rotation:

      • Rotate the role of the clapper to the next player after each round.
      • Continue playing multiple rounds until all players have had a chance to be the clapper or until a predetermined score or round limit is reached.


Emoji Clap is a delightful and interactive game that promotes communication, creativity, and quick thinking among players. With its simple yet engaging mechanics, it's perfect for parties, gatherings, or casual game nights where participants can enjoy deciphering emoji puzzles and having fun together.



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New Emojis
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Emoji White Heart
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